Sunday, February 16, 2014

Blog Creation

I love Pinterest! I mean love it.  And, I'm one of the few, in my circle at least, that actually tries the recipes that I pin.  I love the challenge of trying something new and expanding my abilities as a cook.  But I do have a few limitations:

1. I work full-time, sometimes working late into the night on a project, which obviously limits the amount of time for cooking during the week,
2. Budget - I think that limits everyone this day and age, and
3. My husband is a picky eater.

#3 is the most limiting.  He will try new things, as long as it fits into his criteria: plain - no condiments, and nothing "weird."  Weird can mean that he'll eat a banana, as a banana, but won't eat it if it's mixed into a dessert dish. 

As we are newly married (2 years in May!) I have turned dinner into an adventure - with much success!  I know his food limits, and I try to find recipes that meet the criteria.  With the creation of Pinterest, I have access to a world of anything I want to try.  I grew up as a huge fan of the Food Network, and my love for cooking actually goes beyond that - "Yan Can Cook," anyone?  Circa 1980s on Maryland Public Television (MPT). 

I created this blog to share the recipes that I have found that have been successful.  Because of limit #1 and #2 listed above, I have adapted some of these recipes for shortcuts, which make them "semi-homemade" when available.  Please note that I am not a chef, nor an artist, and don't own fine china.  So the pictures I share may not pass the critique of the experts, but I can assure you that they are beyond tasty - and even better, my husband LOVES them.

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